Monday, October 30, 2006

Pat Toomey Endorses Diana Irey for Congress

Pat Toomey Endorses Diana Irey for Congress: Former PA Congressman Pat Toomey, a hero to conservatives nationwide, endorses Diana Irey for Congress over 32-year-incumbent Jack Murtha.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Find a Veteran. And Thank Him.

12 minutes to change your thinking.

"You may fly over a land forever.

"You may bomb it, atomize it, and wipe it clean of life.

"But if you desire to defend it, protect it, and keep it for civilization, you must do this on the ground.

"The way Roman legions did ... by putting young men into the mud."

--T.R. Fehrenbach, This Kind of War

"When the Air Force flies over, it's important. It's a show of force.

"When the Navy steams up, it's important. It's a deterrent.

"When the Army plants its boots on the ground ... it's control."

After you watch it ... find a veteran, and thank him.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Diana vs. Goliath Blogger Challenge

If you're reading this, you're among the first to see how the conservative blogosphere is taking up the challenge of helping fund Diana Irey's campaign against Jack Murtha.

Born out of Rob Bluey's regular conservative bloggers meeting -- where Diana met with a range of conservative bloggers last week -- the Diana vs. Goliath Bloggers Challenge is an effort to involve conservatives around the country (and, actually, around the world) in funding her campaign.

Every contribution of $25 or more gets a special "thank you" -- a Diana Irey "V-FORCE" bumper sticker.

So ... go! Stop reading this page, and contribute to Diana Irey!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

24 Days Out. Is It Over?

No, it's not over yet. But one sign of impending doom is when the right's most influential blogger posts the traditional post-mortem analysis ... with more than three weeks to go.

A GOP Pre-Mortem

Friday, October 13, 2006

On Broken Down Escalators and Saving Taxpayer Bucks

Metro Board Rejects Escalator Proposal

This post has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with brains in politics.

Seems the bureaucrats who run the Washington, DC, Metro wanted to spend an untold amount of money to replace what are described as "23 short escalators" with stairs at 15 Metro stations. Apparently, these escalators are prone to break down, and the Metro bureaucrats thought it would be a wise investment to replace breakdown-prone escalators with breakdown-free stairs.

The change, they posited, would have saved taxpayers $1.5 million per year in maintenance costs.


Am I missing something here, or ... isn't a broken down escalator really nothing more than a fancy set of stairs?

Note to Metro bureaucrats: Let the escalators run until they break down. At that point, don't spend the money to replace them -- just put up (cheap) signs that say "Metro encourages our riders to stay in shape. Use these stairs in place of a workout today," save the repair and replacement cost, and ... use your new stairs.

When a Picture Really Is Worth a Thousand Words

Check it out. Behind SecDef Donald Rumsfeld is a satellite photograph of the Korean peninsula, taken at night. North Korea dark, South Korea ablaze with electricity.

Need we say anything more about the utter failure of communism to provide even the basic essentials of life in the modern age? I think not.
